WoW Beridina

WoW Beridina
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Should You Stop Playing World Of Warcraft?

I saw a list of 13 reasons not to play WoW, and it felt more like a list not to play games. You can check out the list here. And I made 2, not 1 but 2 videos about it. together they are about 15 minutes long but please just give me your opinion. They are split up into part 1 and part 2.

Many people would judge you just by the fact that you play World of Warcraft. I think this is extremely unfair and I know many people that hate the game. I have a friend that played WoW but now he doesn't even want anyone to know that he had anything to do with WoW. Why? He is so scared that people will judge him and doesn't want people against him.

1. Major Addiction Problems
You can get addicted to ANYTHING. You can get addicted to eating. So are you saying we should stop eating? No, we reduce the amount of food we take in. Should be the same for anything.

2. WoW Can Be Deadly
So can pencils, but we still use those. So can paper EVERYTHING can be deadly. WoW didn't come out of the screen and kill you. YOU decided that you wanted to die and not WoW. Also how many people die every year because of WoW. I bet more people die from car related incidents than from WoW. So you saying we should ban cars? No they are very useful, the car is not dangerous... YOU ARE. I mean WoW didn't kill you, you did. Sure you blamed it on WoW but it is your fault.

3. WoW Ruins Marriages
Well then that was not the wife/husband for you.

4. Playing WoW Can Cause Aggression
Most games helps you put your aggresion on other people. Thats why people punch pillows, because they are trying to get rid of their anger.

5. Socially Inept/Bad Players
The internet is a great place. Anyone can be anyone. And there are jerks in both real life and in the virtual world.

6. WoW Reduces Sex Drive
Sex is not important. Not everyone wants to have sex. Some religions only lets you have sex if you want a baby. So what, they are only going to have sex like once or twice.

7. Monthly Subscription Fee
Yes I do feel that this is a bit pricy. $15 a month even though over 11 million people are playing sounds too much to me. If they made it just a little bit cheaper like a dollar or 2 then it would be better. That will get others to play the game. So in the end it evens out. Same with Taxes...

8. You Can Lose Your Job
So can other things. Depending on your job the reason you got fired can be many things. What if your job is to get WoW gold? Then you can't lose your job.

9. WoW Can Make You Fat
Using a computer can make you fat. Depending on what you eat and what you do you can get fat easily. Not many people can be active because of many things. Not everyone can go out of their way to go biking up a hill because they could have a job.

10. Grinding
If you don't like to grind, then don't do it. Maybe MMOs aren't your thing. Also you don't have to grind to play an MMO, you can slow down and enjoy the game. I know many people that don't quickly try to get to 80, simply because they want to see everything and enjoy the game.

11. Quests Are Repetitive
There are so many quests out there it is extremely hard to come up with something new for EVERY quest. I mean you can say the same thing for every game out there. CoD is so repetitive, you go out there and kill things, thats it. But the quest are still a little bit different. There is even a story for each quest.

12. Corpse Runs
So you are complaining that you have to run back to your dead body or choose to come back instantly with a sickness on you? I do not see what is so bad about that.

13. WoW Can Be Bad For Your Health
How can it be bad for your health? Didn't we already cover that with being fat? And the point this person gives out is, and i quote "After playing WoW for 24 straight hours, a schoolboy collapsed into convulsions. Reports say the 15-year old and his buddies were playing the new WoW version, Wrath of Lich King, when this epileptic-like seizure occurred. With little or no sleep and little food, the kids played all night, according to the boy’s father." this boy was addicted, but just because a few kids can't control them selves doesn't mean we should all stop. Many people die from car accidents but no one says don't drive, you can die. Things are safe, we are not safe. A gun is safe, and now you guys are thinking, wow are you dumb? My reply is no, the gun will not fire unless the person holding the gun pulls the trigger. So yet again WoW safe, we are not.

To answer the question should you stop playing WoW? That depends if you are afraid of getting addicted? Then maybe you don't want to play WoW. If you are smart and know you can control your life, then play it. I myself play it just fine. I hang out with my friends, in fact we ALL play WoW and we still go out and meet people and have fun.

Anything can be addicting, all games can be addicting.

If you like playing games then check out my youtube channel for more guides, tips and tricks about any game you like. I do world of warcraft videos and give out many ways for anyone to get gold fast and easy. If you like to see a certain kind of video, feel free to send me an email, or better yet send my youtube channel a message. Thanks for reading and I will see you next time.

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