WoW Beridina

WoW Beridina
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is Blip TV Good?

Blip TV is like youtube. You post your videos, people watch your videos, and they comment on your videos. But unlike youtube, Blip TV is unorganized. You cannot subscribe to someone's channel, and there is no easy system to check comments on your videos. A good thing about Blip TV is that you can actually make money from this. They put ads on your videos and this helps people generate some money. I started a Blip TV account but so far I have gotten about 107 views and made $0. I have heard many people say "I was able to make about $300 from blip tv in a month" And Blip TV has said that a person that generates about 100,000 views in a month will get about $1900 if he has all the ads enabled. I have enabled all the ads and when I check if the videos are working I do not see any ads at all. On my Youtube Account I have signed up with AdSense and to my surprise, I do not see any ads at all. The only time I have seen any ads is on my Blogs. So tell me, have you guys tried Blip TV? And if so, did you like it? Were you able to make some money from it? Tell me because I am curious.

If you like playing games then check out my youtube channel for more guides, tips and tricks about any game you like. I do world of warcraft videos and give out many ways for anyone to get gold fast and easy. If you like to see a certain kind of video, feel free to send me an email, or better yet send my youtube channel a message. Thanks for reading and I will see you next time.

Also if you want to get free views for your videos click here and it will take you to a website to help you promote your videos and hundreds of views in a matter of days.

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