An investigation of the World of Warcraft account (account name here) has produced evidence that the computer(s) used to play the account are infected by a virus, Trojan or keylogger.
To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled the account for a 24 hour period.
We highly recommend that you follow the below steps to protect yourself and the account from unauthorized third party access.
- Use up-to-date firewall, antivirus, and anti-spyware software to scan your system regularly for viruses, Trojans, and key-loggers.
- Keep your operating system and other software up-to-date and be careful when downloading new software.
- Be wary of ""spoof"" and scam websites and e-mails that pose as Blizzard Entertainment and request account or personal information. As a reminder, Blizzard Entertainment representatives will *never* ask you for your password.
- Keep your login information confidential. Account access can only be shared with one minor of whom you are the parent or guardian. Sharing access with anyone else is a violation of the game's Terms of Use. You are also responsible for every use of an account on which you are listed as the registered player, whether the use was authorized or not.
- Use separate, unique passwords for your email, World of Warcraft, and any other online accounts.
- Change your passwords regularly and keep World of Warcraft account information updated using the Account Management page at http://
For additional security tips and information, please visit the following sites:
- Account Security:
- Unauthorized Account Access Policy:
- World of Warcraft Account Security:
If you are looking for an added layer of security, we currently offer the Blizzard Authenticator, an optional device that can help prevent unauthorized account access. For more information about how the Authenticator
works or how to add one to a World of Warcraft account, please visit the Blizzard Authenticator FAQ at
For any disputes of this action or further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here:
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
This is the full email. I have sent them an email but I think it is really unfair for them to suspend my account for a full day just because they think my account is hacked.
But what do you think? tell me, i am curious
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