I have found a website that will pay you to blog, take pictures and make videos. It is a great and easy website to use. I have made over $100 from it with little trouble. You just blog all day long and depending on how many hits you get you make a lot of money. Also you make more money from your google adsense acount. So in a way you are making double than before. At the moment people are only making little money from the ads on their blogs. Blogging is easy if you know what to do. The idea of this website is that you write a blog article and submit it and they will post it to a blog that is getting 10000s views and you will be getting money depending on how many page views you get on your posts. Also there are ads on the page and depending on how many times someone clicks on it you will also get paid on it. There are many ways to improve your blogs but this is an easy way. There are many books about it that is very helpful, but this is a fast and easy that I found and the best part is that it is free. The blog is already set up so all you have to do is write. Creating your own blog is hard and if you plan on doing that, then i recommend buying a book or reading guides online.
Interesting post, to get more people reading this you can buy Twitter followers or buy tiktok views for videos you upload.